Teeter Thunderbell Pro 10lb / 4.5kg Dumbbell / Kettlebell In One [ TB1010 ]

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Teeter Thunderbell Pro 10lb / 4.5kg Dumbbell / Kettlebell In One

Teeter Thunderbell Pro 10lb / 4.5kg Dumbbell / Kettlebell In One

Revolutionize your approach to fitness with the Teeter ThunderBell, which offers a complete total body training system in one dynamic, space-saving, diverse training tool. The ThunderBell’s unique 7 grip design allows you to combine the most popular fitness gear – dumbbell, barbell, kettle bell and medicine ball, free weights, abs/core, and cables – into one product without ever having to set it down. Maintain intensity throughout your exercises to develop strength, flexibility and endurance for the ultimate workout experience with Powerful, Lightening Fast Results!

Teeter Thunderbell TB1010 Features:

  • 10lb / 4.5kg Thunderbell
  • 7-grip design
  • Combines the benefits of the most time-proven fitness equipment – dumbbell, barbell, Kettlebell, and medicine ball
  • Dimensions: 28.5cm x 20cm x 20cm