JD Macdonald Autobeam Auto Hand Dryer in White + Silver Gloss Nozzle
In Darwinian terms the Australian made Autobeam and Touchdry range of hand dryers by JD MacDonald is a quantum leap. The original 1000 series range of hand dryers is today, one of the most visible hand dryers in Australia.
Renowned for its robust design, and anti-vandalism features, the original 1000 series set a new benchmark in reliability. What standards had been set by the original 1000 series have been exceeded by the new range of Autobeam and Touchdry hand dryers
JD Macdonald HDABWHTSG Features:
Heavy duty cast aluminium hand dryer with sensor operation
Large fan and motor assembly provides a high performance dryer designed for high traffic areas and heavy use
Easy installation with tamper-proof locking
Optional swivel nozzle
Electrical connection by cord and plug (as supplied) Can be direct wired by an electrician